美国共产主义社团——沙丘鹤公社介绍 社区概述
We've been farming organically and building community since 1974 on 135 acres in rural, northeast Missouri. We grow the great majority of our food and share income, meals, vehicles and other resources. Our membership consists of 6 adults and a thirteen year old child.
We have a simple and healthy lifestyle; creativity, ecological sustainability, nonviolence, personal freedom, honest communication, consensus decision-making and emotional support are core values.
Our land includes large vegetable/herb gardens, orchards, woods, hayfields, bee yards, cropland and pasture. We raise chickens for eggs, meat and manure. We also raise turkeys. We hunt deer from our land. We produce and sell sorghum syrup, tempeh, honey, garlic, mustard, horseradish and various seasonal condiments . Our population swells during the growing and
harvest seasons with interns, visitors and guests. Our fall sorghum harvest has become a Sandhill tradition. Not only is sorghum syrup our biggest agricultural income source, it's also one of our main social events of the year. New friends and old from all over the country and other intentional communities come to help bring in the crop and join in the fun.
We have housing to accommodate additional members. We are looking for people who enjoy a rural and alternative lifestyle, who wish to live and interact with children and who connect well with the land and its seasons.
Personal qualities which work well here are self-motivation , conscientious and willingness to engage in group process work. We strive to maintain a multi-generational balance; currently (2009), we are hoping to attract new members in the 25-45 age bracket. We encourage prospective members to begin a dialogue with us at any time by writing and visiting.
文章来源:沙丘鹤公社官方网 http://sandhillfarm.org/