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爱力 发表于 2013-11-26 16:10:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Interview with Chen Yimei, China Development Brief’s New Executive Director

作者:谢世宏 |


Introduction: We are delighted to announce that Chen Yimei will be joining China Development Brief (CDB) as its new Executive Director starting in November. To learn more about Yimei's career, her reasons for joining CDB, and her views on the philanthropy and civil society sector in China, CDB (English) Editor, Shawn Shieh, sat down with her for a conversation:

1.You've spent much of your professional life working in the philanthropy and civil society sector. What did you do before coming to CDB?

In college I studied international relations and worked as a translator, editor, and research associate for the Center for Documentation and Information, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). My research area was in international China studies. I also worked as an interpreter and program officer for CASS Bureau of International Cooperation. In 1997, I joined the Ford Foundation and worked as Assistant to the Representative of Ford's China office, first with Tony Saich and later with Andrew Watson, until April 2007. During those 10 years I spent one year (2003-2004) doing my MPA (with a concentration on NGO management) at the Harvard Kennedy School. In 2007, I joined the China Social Entrepreneur Foundation (now called YouChange Foundation) as the Deputy Secretary General at a time when it was just being established. In September 2008, I became the Country Director of Mercy Corps until January 2012 when I moved to the U.S. (northern Virginia) with my family for one year. Since returning to Beijing, I've been working as a consultant and volunteer for several Chinese and international foundations and NGOs.

2.What (people, ideas, experiences) have been important influences on you in terms of your philosophy and approach to working in this sector?

The earliest important influence was my time at the Ford Foundation, not just because it was my longest tenure, but also because it was there that I learned what an NGO was, and had the opportunity to meet and work with many excellent Chinese NGOs. Before that, I knew nothing about NGOs. By the time I went to the Kennedy School in 2003, I knew NGO management was going to be my field.

My other jobs also gave me exposure to NGOs, such as my time at YouChange and Mercy Corps. At YouChange, I had the opportunity to learn more about social entrepreneurship and gained hands-on experience in setting up a Chinese foundation. At Mercy Corps, I learned more about international development and how international organizations can work with local partners to benefit Chinese communities and make a global impact.

I also want to mention my experience translating two books written by Western scholars: Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector, Volume II written by Lester Salamon, S. Wojciech Sokolowski, and Associates (I was one of the translators and co-editor) and Michael Edward's Civil Society. Global Civil Society which covered 36 countries and gave me a better understanding of civil society from a global and comparative perspective, as well as of trends in global civil society. Edward's book really helped me understand the history and theoretical discussions of civil society.

        During my career in the NGO sector, I have been lucky enough to have had the chance to work with many Chinese NGOs and their founders and staff, and to support their efforts to contribute to China's development. I am proud to have contributed to the NGO sector's development in the past, and look forward to contributing to its future.

3. Why did you decide to join CDB to become its executive director?

My decision was motivated by several reasons:
First, CDB has played a very important role as a media platform reporting on development issues in China, and providing important services, such as quality research, to the NGO sector. Given the sector's dynamic changes, I believe CDB has the potential to play an even bigger role in serving the sector, and helping people outside of China understand the sector's development in China.

Second, I chose NGO management as my career and feel it's important to have that hands-on experience working for a Chinese NGO. All my previous experience has been preparing me for this experience in working in and for the sector. I always wanted this opportunity to work more closely with the grassroots NGO community on development issues.

Third, I've known many of the CDB staff – Fu Tao, Zhang Gengrui, Liu Haiying, and Shawn Shieh – for years. I admire and appreciate what they've been doing for the sector. I like CDB's organizational culture, the way it has stuck to its mission, its humility and low-profile way of working, and its commitment to learning and exploring. So when the invitation came from them for me to join, I felt excited both with the trust given to me and with what would be achieved in the future by working with this team.

4. How do you think your work at CDB will differ from your previous work?

This will be the first Chinese grassroots NGO I've worked with, and also the first time I've worked with an organization that does media, research, and advocacy. Besides strengthening its established work in the above areas by taking advantages of innovative ideas, additional partnerships and new technologies, I see an opportunity to develop CDB into a platform to build the capacity of China's NGOs and other development actors by offering professional services such as research and consulting. I look forward to working with the team to explore developing these areas of potential.

5. CDB is what some people call a grassroots organization, and CDB itself is committed to empowering grassroots NGOs in China. Yet grassroots NGOs still face many obstacles and restrictions. What do you see as the way forward for grassroots NGOs?

Looking back to 1997 when I started my NGO career, I think of how few Chinese grassroots organizations there were. Now there are so many and they are really growing quickly. I see these organizations playing a very important role in providing services to disadvantaged communities and promoting civil society in China. Now, they are able to work with the business sector and collaborate with the government more comfortably. They are now working to professionalize foundations, making the sector more diverse, dynamic, and effective. Yet more needs be done in addressing the growing number and complexity of social problems in China.

Looking forward, in regards to social development, grassroots NGOs will need to become more professional, both organizationally and in terms of developing more expertise in their professional field, in order to have more impact.

Grassroots NGOs drive development agendas. This is particularly true for China which did not have modern private foundations until 2004 and both are much younger compared with those in the US or Europe. I see the dynamics between grassroots NGOs and foundations as one of the major themes of China's philanthropic development in the next 5-10 years as a more mature “philanthropy supply chain” emerges.

        I also think that NGOs need to develop international perspectives. This is not limited to efforts to learn best practices or draw resources from abroad, but includes efforts to respect different cultures and values while serving their own communities in China, and to understand how their own work might fit in with the global agenda for humanity.

At the same time, I think there is still a great deal to do to create a more enabling environment for Chinese NGOs so that they can contribute to social innovation in organizational development and the realm of public awareness and culture. It is time to think about the NGO sector as an integral part of an ecological system in which everyone has to work together if they want to thrive.

6. The philanthropy/civil society landscape in China has changed a great deal in the last few years. What role do you see CDB playing in the current landscape?

As I mentioned before, CDB will continue reporting on, and serving as a voice for, important development issues and actors in the field, and at the same time can introduce new development approaches to be researched and considered for adoption in China. In the future, I think CDB can play a bigger role in providing professional services to Chinese NGOs by providing quality data and research on social development. CDB can also play the role of a bridge in channeling more financial, intellectual, and professional resources to Chinese organizations, and helping them to be more engaged in the process of improving communities in China and overseas.

7. Much of your professional life has been spent bringing together Chinese and foreigners working in the philanthropy and civil society sector. You will be continuing that work at CDB. What do you think the international civil society community has to offer Chinese civil society in terms of experiences and ideas? What do you think the Chinese can offer to the international community?

I think the international civil society community can continue to offer expertise, and networking platforms for Chinese NGOs to be seen on the global stage. It can also provide new ideas about social innovation and entrepreneurship, and international development.

Chinese civil society organizations also contribute by being a part of international civil society and working together with international CSOs on common issues while serving local needs. I like to use the metaphor of international civil society as a big river flowing into the sea which represents the global development agenda, and Chinese civil society as a stream that feeds into that river while at the same time irrigating the fields it runs through.

8. As China continues to internationalize, what do you expect from the interactions between China's civil society and international counterparts in the future, and how do you see those interactions affecting the development of Chinese civil society?

I see these interactions becoming more frequent and regular, and more organizations engaging directly with each other. I also see more virtual interactions taking place through internet and social media platforms. I think those interactions will increasingly become more specialized, addressing more specific professional needs such as developing expertise, technologies, and tools for addressing problems.

In terms of how these interactions will affect Chinese civil society, I think they will provide Chinese CSOs with more choices for developing their own ideas, platforms, and tools to help them better address the needs of their communities, and more opportunities to collaborate to achieve social progress in China and beyond.

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