哥伦比亚共产主义社团——亚特兰蒂斯介绍 社区概述
Atlantis Ecological Community
Belen, Huila, Colombia
哥伦比亚 乌伊拉 贝林
Atlantis formed in London in 1970 as a self-help therapy centre, moved to an Irish island in 1974 then to the Colombian Andes in 1987, our emphasis shifting to ecology and food self-sufficiency. We ran a “green theatre” in Colombia for many years with the commune children as the mainperformers. Now grown up, some of the girls of our group are accomplished musicians, composers, artists and dancers. None of the children had any formal schooling whatsoever. They were taught to work on practical farm tasks from an early age, and allowed complete physical (and sexual) freedom, as long as the adults' space was not intruded upon.
The commune may now be entering an "autumnal" phase as the many generations of English, Irish and Colombian youngsters we have brought up have gone their ways. The present age range is 3 to 67 years with a steady but small central nucleus of a handful of people; but many visitors passing through.
We're vegetarian, and revolutionary politically. Our food is organically grown. We don't use drugs or smoke and stick to alternative medicine wherever possible; our lifestyle on the farm is 100 percent ecological. We reject practically all twentieth-century values. We have at present 35 hectares of forest, meadows, gardens, rivers and streams at around 5,000 ft with a mild climate. We accept hard physical work as part of natural living, but make sure there is time for rest, playing music and other cultural activities.
Visitors are welcome any time but we do need help with expenses, have to warn the work is hard and of course a sense of humour, an open mind and a willingness to engage in straight talking helps. A firm rootedness in the physical world is essential. We are not "politically correct" in any way and don't appreciate modern rules about what one may or may not say, and
don't obey any of them. Please write before coming to atlantiscol@hotmail.com.
There are 10 books about the commune on www.theguildofwriters.com Atlantis section. We still have a "diaspora" in Ireland in Baltimore, Co. Cork and you can visit us there to find out more and meet some of the commune members.
现在大约有10本关于公社的书籍在www.theguildofwriters.com网站 Atlantis 一栏.我们仍然有一些同胞散居在爱尔兰和巴尔的摩的科克公司,你可以去那里访问我们以了解更多信息或者与一些社员会面。