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*Resource from the 1st SE Asian Bioregional Permaculture Convergence for Download
Presentation and Workshop: Please click the word 'pdf' in the following tables to download the presentation file of respective session in pdf format.
FOOD DAY (Day 1) 19-Nov-2012 | Rosemary Morrow, Patron of SE Asian Permaculture Convergence | David Holmgren, Co-founder of Permaculture (via Skype) | Keith Mikkelson, The Aloha House, Philippine | Hilario Padilla, Kadoorie China Conservation, Hong Kong | Nick Tittle, Panya Centre, Thailand | Chiang Hui-i, Earth Passengers, Taiwan and Peter Morehead, Taiwan Permaculture Institute | Yip Tsz Lam, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Film Screening featuring Food Security | Yen Chia Cheng, Huiliang Permaculture Association, Taiwan |
ENERGY DAY (Day 2) 20-Nov-2012 | Professor Edward Ng, School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong | Steve Cran, Permaculture Aid Specialist, Green Warrior Permaculture | Bert Peeters, Carboid, Philippine | Permaculture Aid in Developing Countries (pdf 1, 2, 3 & 4) Fernando Madeira, Macau | Joel Lee, Philippine | Jenny Quinton, Ark Eden, Hong Kong | Mary Lee, Psychologist, Hong Kong | Permaculture Institute Hong Kong, Hong Kong | | | | WATER DAY (Day 3) 21-Nov-2012 | Keynote on Water Brock Dolman | Chris Sharp, Aquaponics Australia | To Yat Man, Permaculturist, Hong Kong | Narsaiah Koppula, India | Adam Duson, Panya Centre, Thailand | Chiu Yie Ru, Taiwan Permaculture Association, Taiwan | Film Screening featuring Access to Water | | | | | | | |
Day 4 - 22-Nov-2012 | PDC Responsibilities by Rosemary Morrow (pdf) | Record of Open Space (pdf) | Record of Country Plans (pdf) | | Record of Permaculture in SE Asia: Past, Present and Future (pdf) |