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Face the Truth and Flee From Traditional Marriage and Family

沧海 发表于 2009-11-2 23:48:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Face the Truth and Flee From Traditional Marriage and Family

Wrriten by Xuefeng  On 2 August 2009
Translated by Canghai  On 2 November 2009

The traditional marriage and family life is a procedure which contains a virus. The virus is nibbling away the naivete, goodness, nicety, love, sincerity and trust of human nature, pushing a happy, joyful, free and blest life to the abyss of torment, anxiety, slavery and despair step by step.

By surveying the history of mankind, considering your own reality, looking into the present status of marriages and families surrounding you,  we can safely draw a conclusion that traditional marriage and family is a prison of humanity and a ball and chain to fine, free and happy life.

Face the truth and don’t cheat yourself any longer. Pain won't disappear just because you pretend they don't exist, and the mental, spiritual abuse and torture existed in marriage and family won’t decrease by tolerating.

Pinning your hopes for future happiness on one man or several men is the most foolish illusion.

To get a happy, joyful, free and blest life by marriage and family is the most vain ideal in the world.

The griefs and tragedies caused by traditional marriage and family that are not one man’s faults, not parents’ faults, not husband’s or wife’s faults, and not the children’s, not the brothers’ and sisters’, not relatives’, not friends’ and not neighbours’ faults.
All of mankind has been wrong for thousands of years, “the sea of bitterness has no bounds, repent and the shore is at hand,” it is the time to flee from traditional marriage and family and get into the Way of New Life.

Now is the time to have a new life. Don't  repeat the same mistakes again.

The Way of New Life has been designed by Lifechanyuan for every member, and the practice proved that it is feasible, the details can be seen from our website:
http://www.di2jiayuan.com, I will write an article to introduce the Way of New Life later.

How to flee from the traditional marriage and family and get into the Way of New Life ?

Those who have’t been married do not to get married.

Those who have divorced do not to get married.

Married people, please don’t divorce, it is better to strive for the Way of New Life.

Fleeing from marriage and family is not forsaking your dears, not leaving your parents and children alone, not relinquishing your commitment and responsibility, but fleeing from the procedure of marriage and faimly, those who have aged parents to support should give presents parents and arrange the basic necessaries of life for parents properly, those who ignoring parents won’t allowed to get into the Way of New Life; Those who have underage children to bring up should fulfill this obligation, don’t traumatize them, and not less concern, but more.

Those who want to flee from traditional marriage and family, should have a true realization of the drawbacks and the griefs caused by traditional marriage and family, know the Way of New Life designed by Lifechanyuan, and learn and shape the new values for life and world first, then try your best to become a grass of Lifechanyuan by cultivating yourself according to these values, finally, pay the debt of life and form ties of celestial being, get into the Way of New Life and start a brand new life.

Lifechanyuan will establish 256 branches on the earth according to the Way of New Life. All countries being united as one and all religions returning to the origin are the inevitable trend of human development. Clinging to old ideas is only a dead end. Making every member has a happy, joyful, free and blest life is not an impossible dream, it has become a reality partly that in strengthening and improving. Lifechanyuan have constructed a theory system which has nearly three million chinese words. It has summed up the experience of different kinds of utopias in the human history, collective farms, communities, Israel’s Kibbutzs and the Yamagishi Association. So, it is not a blind attempt, not a unrealistic fantasy, but a global strategic objective which planned roundly and accurately from theory to practice.

Discard the thousands years’ impracticable fantasy, face the truth of life, resolve to succeed, strive to finish the emotional involvements and get into the Way of New Life.

Ps: It would be very nice if some one can correct the errors of translation for dedication.

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